and Happy Happy! Tiny and awesome, this guy is one of my favorite flea market finds of all time!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Monday, December 12, 2011
It's Giveaway Day!

Today, I am giving away 2 hand knit organic cotton baby hats in your choice of colors! They fit newborns to 3 month olds, and they are pretty adorable! They are made of 100% organic cotton, which is important, especially when it comes to babies, because cotton absorbs pesticides like they are going out of business.

GOOD LUCK! And I hope you WIN!
Thursday, December 08, 2011
Knit Bangles!

Tuesday, December 06, 2011
I read magazines.
But my absolute favorite of the past few years has been Readymade. I loved Readymade magazine. I even subscribed to it at home! And now it's over.
Do you remember Blueprint? Oh, Blueprint, you were every thing a gal could ask for. Resourceful, adorable, with good pictures and clothes I both wanted to wear and could afford to buy. You had ideas I liked. And you were reasonably priced.
I know people talk about Domino, but I thought it was a little clique-y and snide.
Last year I subscribed to Uppercase, which was a little too art-y for me. This year I subscribed to Anthology, which was awesome. I try to subscribe to just one magazine a year, because those indie ones are expensive!
So, to sum up: I love 'em. I want 'em. But they keep disappearing on me, and I don't know if I can emotionally invest in another. What's the world coming to?
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Baxter and Titan
hanging out, doing tricks. Baxter's showing off all he's learned from training. Titan's just waiting for his bestie to come out of the deli.
Monday, November 21, 2011
PapernStitch this Week- woot woot!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Christmas is Coming!
And I've got a lot of vintage stuff for sale!
It has been grand fun the last couple of weeks going poking through Long Island with Kate, looking for little flocked deer for the mantle, and beautiful Shiny Brite Christmas balls.
They are flying off the (virtual) shelves! Awesome! I love to buy and I love to sell, if only I could do it full time!
Monday, November 07, 2011
Weekend Thrifting
Got a lot of stuff this weekend, but nothing as cool as this snack hound! I looked him up on the interwebs, and it says you put crackers in his square box, and hang pretzels off his tail! Ha! Awesome! His head and tail come off for easy storage!
Friday, November 04, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Happy Halloween
I am not wearing a costume in this picture. My sister is Smurfette. That hippie looking girl is me. That is how I dressed from 1978- 1985. But my sister's Smurfette costume, created entirely by my mom, is pretty much the coolest.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Home Grown
Farmer and wife. It's a cup, bowl, plate set that I find both charming and slightly creepy. But I saw them and I HAD TO HAVE THEM. Upon my (very limited) research, I have not found the lady at all, but the farmer dude is up for a nice price. They are from 1979, which makes them a year younger than this gal.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Saturday, October 01, 2011

Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Luke Holds The Baby
Well, Luke and Christine hold the big baby! They stopped by for a visit. We ate some grilled meats ( and Pops had his first veggie burger), went for a delightful walk (led by James!) and then had some grapenut pie that Christine brought and was super duper good! Good times on this Labor Day weekend, although I miss Andy, because he's working nonstop to keep me in the style to which I've become accustomed.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
In which the hurricane brings the refugees
come to visit! they are a people without a home - well, without power. I am grateful that all of my friends and family were virtually unscathed by the hurricane. I hope it's the last one we see, even if it is the beginning of the season.
This is my friend Quinn. He's cute, with or without electricity!
Monday, August 22, 2011
Oh, Hello
Awesome pitcher. It's Swedish! Made by the Upsala Ekeby company in Karlskrona, this is the Bellis pattern. I love love love it! It is for sale in my Etsy shop, though, because I have a wedding annd life to pay for!
Love it! And have never seen anything like it!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
In Which There is a NEW BABY
Okay, well, she's not that new - but she's new to me!
This is baby Zoe! She is the baby of my cousin Billy and his lovely wife, Lorna! They are a happy little new family! She is super sweet and also likes me very much.
I have been very slow in posting pictures because I am super sick, but I wanted to get this one up and into the world, because she is VERY CUTE!
Tuesday, August 09, 2011
In Which I am Almost Famous Again!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Oh, hello tiny butterflies
While making some canvas art for a friend's nursery, I started to fall in love with scrapbook paper all over again.
Except I hate to scrapbook - there's too much planning and not enough stuff you can do quickly - but I do love all the punches and stickers and stuff.
So, I bought many (maybe too many) little 3 by 3 inch canvases and started to modge podge 'em! Whales and mushrooms and I wanted to make one with bunches of butterflies! This is it.
In other news: I am sick. And my bridal shower is this weekend! I hope I'm better by then!
Monday, July 18, 2011
In Which there ARe some Brooches!
I'm getting ready to start making my wedding bouquet. I'm using vintage brooches to make a super bling-y flower arrangement! My dress is pretty plain, and I don't really wear jewelry, but I wanted to have no real flowers at the wedding, because I didn't want to deal with a florist. Lots of people have contributed and I have bought some over the past year, and I can't wait to get started, even though I need about 20 more. Andy's mom got a bunch for me! I recently got that big blue enamel flower for 2 bucks! It's been a grand adventure, searching and scouring for different things, figuring out if they'll go together. I'm super excited to start!
Thursday, July 07, 2011
Friday, June 24, 2011
Happy Birthday
to Baxter. Andy may have made up your birth date, but he takes it very seriously. I think that you are naughty a lot, but I still like you. Happy Birthday. Now get in your bed and think about what you've done!
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Missing the Whales
This time last year, we were on the whale and puffin tour (well, in a couple of weeks). Maine is nice, but Bar Harbor is a great tiny town. We went two years in a row - me and Kate, bringing her sister the first year and my sister the next. We went antiquing, watched movies, drank beers, and walked an astonishing amount. We went so I could see the puffins, in real life. And, during the second year, I did see them.
But we saw whales too! I had seen Beluga whales at the Aquarium, and they look more like sea cows to me, so seeing the mama and baby humpbacks were exciting! They were so big, and it was so calm and everyone on the boat was excited!
And that night we went to a bar that served tater tots. So, tater tots + beer+ whales + puffins + lots of antiques = happy happy happy.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Baby Ryan!
Baby Ryan Wulff! One month old! Big brother Liam has just turned the big 0-5! So, it's an exciting time around these parts. And Mr. Colin, the middle child, is talking up a storm! I'm so happy to meet my new friend Ryan and welcome her into the world! She's a cutie!
Thursday, June 09, 2011
Wedding Rings!

We have been shop shop shopping for wedding bands and the two things I know for sure is:
1) I know nothing about jewelry or metal or rings
2) Jewelry is hella expensive.
But you'll wear 'em forever, so you have to figure out what you like and what is for real and what is weird to you...and it's a lot of discussion in the very well-lit jewelry store...
So, we're thinking of these ones, made by a lady in Oregon. Awesome. Weird and awesome.
Thursday, June 02, 2011
Sesame Street: ABC Song with Tilly and the Wall
So, watch it and be happy! Their outfits alone are enough to make you smile!
Friday, May 27, 2011
All Grown UP!
Lochlain and Seanie came to visit (with their parents) for Quinn's christening! Oh, they are so grown up and giantly tall - it's surprising everytime. Seaniebear is even losing his babyface! OH, boy. Time marches on! Here's Loch and Pop, goofing around a little!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
In Which I am Officially a Grownup
Because of these three things:
1) I have to buy a mattress
2) I'm moving to an apartment with the man I am going to marry.
3) I cannot quit my job any ol' time I feel like it.
I never really WANT to quit my job. But I always liked the thought that I would survive (at least for a while) if I lost it, or if I was unhappy. Becoming more financially burdened sometimes feels like that sound at the beginning of Law and Order (Clink - CLINK!). I like my job, I do - but it was always nice to know that I could just go work in a deli somewhere and be okay.
However, I get a lot in return:

Monday, May 23, 2011
It's Giveaway Day!

Today, we have two organic cotton knit hats, made by me! These hats retail at 10/hat, though I sell them discounted in my etsy shop when you buy two! They fit size 0-3 months, and when you win, I will send you an email with a selection of colors to choose from! These are a GREAT baby gift, because even summer babies need hats! They are made with 100% organic cotton, so there are no pesticides in this item! All hats are made in a smoke free environment, and they are all made with happiness!
To enter to win, just leave a comment below. Please leave your email address, so I can find out your physical address to send your loot! Thanks for stopping by! I'm happy to ship internationally, too! Giveaway ends at midnight on Wednesday, and a winner will be randomly picked on Thursday morning! And the winner is...A Joyful Noise!!!!
From now until June 10, enjoy 10% off anything at my etsy shop, using the coupon code GIVEAWAYDAY!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
In Which I am Not as Famous As My Stuff!

That's pretty awesome! I thank you!
Monday, May 16, 2011
Brimfield, Baby!

New Dots Pyrex Bowl! Vintage Glasware mug!
And so much more! Will update and update!Friday, May 06, 2011
Mama's Day
Monday, May 02, 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Adele - Make You Feel My Love (Official musicvideo)
Awesome. You know covers are my favorite. Or maybe you don't know that, but now you do!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
In Which I am a Super Special Person

Um, hello? I am a giveaway on Anya's Green Baby! Well, my hats are a giveaway, but I feel positively FAMOUS! Yays!
Go and look and comment and act like you like me. That would be awesome. I, in turn, pledge to say that you are my favorite whenever we meet.
(offer good for one meeting time)
And your hair looks pretty.
Monday, April 25, 2011
In Which My View is Different
and maybe a thousand times better.
Oh, this bebe.
And his moose-tashe!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Dodging the Cute Patrol
Because we keep getting in trouble for being tres adorables!
I know, it's gross. But I can't help it.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Mah Friend Turned Two!
James! He is two! That is crazy!
More about his awesome birthday party and my sister's super wonderful school bus cake tomorrow!
Friday, April 15, 2011
In Which We see the Lunar Module!
Thursday, April 07, 2011
In Which Dogs Fly
This is Baxter, the flying dog! He is a giant doofus, and loves to run these crazy circles in my papa's backyard. It is his favorite! Sometimes, he runs, or gallops (he is as big as a pony!) towards you as fast as he can and then veers off at the last second, leaving a little of his drool on your coat. He's a good boy, and as soon as he learns to listen and sit and not eat everything in sight and stop jumping on strangers - he'll be a great boy.
Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Birthday Past
I didn't say, but it was my mom's birthday last week. March 28. She would have been 72. This picture is one of my favorites, because of her braids. Gail and I used to wear braids like that every day (and I still do sometimes!). I also love the awesome embroidered shirt!
I miss her a lot - it's been almost 13 years. I wish she could have met all of the babies (now kids!) and been there with advice and squishy hugs and met my Andy and known us as grown ups.
For her birthday, we would have gotten her a bunch of stuff she didn't want, because she was terrible with her lists (we are a birthday/christmas list oriented family). She always asked for something for the house - like new dishtowels - and we'd be like, we'll get you new dishtowels on Saturday, but what do you want for your BIRTHDAY?
My pop had brought out her old pocketbook that still had some stuff in it, and it still smells the same. It has a measuring tape (who do you think taught me?) a mirror and her wallet. She maybe would have loved knitting the way that I love knitting. She liked to make stuff and fix stuff.
But I think of her always and do my best to follow what WOULD have been her advice (I hear it in my head even when it is the OPPOSITE of what I want to do!). She is remembered. She is missed.
Monday, April 04, 2011
loves the camera! Oh, Quinn, you are so big already!
He is like a chubby version of Sir James, and quite nice in his own right!
Friday, April 01, 2011
In which Noah Strikes Again!
I found a giant Noah's Ark! They are EVERYWHERE! This one was made by Grandad's Toy Shop in North Thetford, Vermont. You can tell it was handmade and handpainted. The ark and the little animals are on wheels!
Man, those vintage toy arks are everywhere I look, and I want to buy and sell all of them...
Friday, March 25, 2011
Organic Cotton Hand Knit Baby Hats organic cotton baby newborn infant handknit hat
are now selling on EcoBold! Awesome! Ecobold is a go-green online store that sells items for every part of your life! And I'm on it! Yippee!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
In Which There is a Tiny Wagon
What is it about the miniature things (though this is not THAT tiny) that makes us love them so much?
Though this also fulfills my love of things to put things in, as well. It would go nicely into the tiny shopping carts I bought many of my friends when they were at Target ten years ago...
sigh. I should've bought one for myself. That shopping cart and this wagon could be best friends...
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Well, time is a funny thing. My papa was not elected to the seat of mayor for which he had been running. It was a very long and very tense campaign with a lot of terrible moments. And now it's over. But now he will have more time. To play with James and hold Quinn and travel to visit his other kids and grandkids. Time to read a book or watch a movie or eat a giant breakfast. Now, time can begin fresh with fun stuff and none of the gigantic obligations his retired life has been full of. Now, he can party down.
And where will he certainly party down? My wedding, of course, because I am getting married in September and it is spectacularly weird to type that. The End.
Saturday, March 05, 2011
A little late, but
Happy Birthday, Miss Carter! I am working on a present of a different kind for you, it is cooking in my brain!
You are six now, so you are responsible for making sure that you don't lose a shoe here and there and also you have to make sure that you know what song to sing when your sister or mommy or daddy is upset. You are very fun, and I love you.
Thursday, March 03, 2011
A find! A find! Old and awesome!
It's another Noah's ark, with tiny animals. The dealer had said it was from the 40s, and it is surely handmade! The top hinges out to reveal the animals. I guess the flood got some because there are not two of each. Some are probably not from the original set. But you can love them too!