Well, for Pop's birthday, we threw him a party.
Actually, Gee said "So, what? You want a party or what?"
And Dad said, "Oh, no. A party is too much trouble..."
And Gail said, "Okay. So who do you want to invite?"
Then Baby Noodles in Gail's belly said she couldn't work on the party because she was just. not. feeling. good. And Baby Noodles in Gail's belly said she just. better. concentrate. on. growing. a. baby.
So, instead of Gail handling everything...she handled just most things.
I was in charge of
1. invitations (which I messed up--sorry lady at the wrong phone number who got plenty of RSVPs for my Dad's party)
2. decorations - ABSOLUTELY NO BALLOONS "But Heather," you may say, as others did before you, "children love balloons. Children and grownups! Love balloons! Balloons are festive!"
NO! I say. No balloons. Balloons are lame-o! Balloons ruin the world! Balloons are dangerous and I hate them! There's never enough to make a real statement and I cringe while looking at children playing with them, waiting for the balloon to pop, waiting for that loud sound while they grab the balloon too tight...I hate balloons. And it's stupidly spelled. So, we made tissue paper pompoms and garland ourselves and it was fine. My cake plates, however, fell apart. Before transport. And maybe I cried a little bit, but it's because I loved them so... So, I'm 0 for 2.
3. Some desserts - Cupcakes and mini lemon meringue pies. Done. Good. Except the cupcakes weren't iced right...and I forgot the blue dye for them...so I'm 0 for 3.
4. Some party favors! I did that okay, but really I just ordered them, Gail found 'em.
5. Pictures! I did that a-okay!

As you can see, one of the party "activities" was a photo op with my Pops! While wearing spectacularly big glasses (just like his!)
For more pictures, view the set on Flickr of Dad's 70th Celebration Spectacular!
We had a great time! Gail did a great powerpoint, John and Rich kept all the kiddies occupied (an admirable job, including "pin the glasses on Peepah!). And...my poor little cakeplates!
Thanksgiving also gave way to this picture:

Introducing: The Professor! Things that make you go "HMMM".
I'll leave off with a couple of pictures of my other friends:
Miss Carter!

Mr. Seanie Bear Meagher!

I also convinced my friends to make a second Thanksgiving dinner in January. Yum. Turkey stuffing and cranberry sauce...all over again.
It looks like everyone had a great time! And you did a GREAT job with the pictures. Hope you all have a great holiday!!
Something said "Click here" and I followed you over from Skip To My Lou (I am The Happy Tomato, in my more mild incarnation).
And now I see you are gramamr obsessed, list Bacon as a "like" AND follow What About Orange?--too much synergy not to write and say hello and I am digging your blog.
One of the primary reasons for having children is to put glasses on them, no?
That entry could only be improved and I could make a worse first impression if I'd spelled "spelling" incorrectly. Sigh, I love irony.
Stacia- So kind of you to say! Those are my nieces and nephews! I get to put glasses on them, and I don't even have to change diapers ( most of the time)! I completely dig those Happy Tomato shirts! I'm trying to get into a screenprinting class at FIT for the spring!
I think you are 5 for 5 becuase you did a great job with the decorations and you made sure you had helpers come to set up otherwise we never would have been done on time! Your cupcakes looked and tasted delicious and you are the only person who thought about blue icing and you made sure the pizza came when I didn't want to talk to the man. You ordered all the stuff which meant you had to actually had to follow up on things and you made incredible centerpieces that didn't look broken at all...and you brought the coffee urns and the equip. for the powerpoint and the flashdrive...and you scanned all those pics to use...and you talked to people when I was too shy...so stop being a martyr....you worked hard and made a good party.
Baby Superfly Noodles says,"hiccup"
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