I am a grinch. I am a grinch whether it is a holiday or not. I am basically a Bah-Humbug-Cranky McGrumpster all year round. Some may attribute this to the fact that my mom died, but I'm pretty sure I've been like this since I turned...ten? Maybe before. One day I'll be a cranky old lady chasing littles off with a broom. It is my destiny.
But I did get to see many of my tiny friends on Christmas and Christmas eve.
We open up presents from family and friends on Xmas Eve, and then prezzies from Santa on Christmas Day.
These two were there:

Playing nicely. Sitting on the stairs, eating apple slices. One of them might have been in time out at the start of it...I don't always pay attention.
The Bear was there:

I made Loch this green lantern shirt that the parchment paper kind of...ruined. But he still liked it. I fretted and fretted over it because I lame-o waited until the last minute to make them and at twelve o'clock on Tuesday night, I burned the back or something...but he asked to put it on right away! A greater compliment was never paid!

Aunt Gee got everyone Detective kits, with a Sherlock Holmes hat, magnifying glasses and a pipe! When we were getting ready for my Pop's party a month ago, the kids started poking at my mini lemon meringues and I was like "Get out of here..." and Loch said "We're inmestigatin'" and I said " Go inmestigate Aunt Gee's belly. She's got something in there." Next thing I know, I hear " What are you doing?" and "Feather told us to..." You can draw your own conclusion about the events that occured. So, Aunt Gee got them the Detective kits, although Carter thinks they are Protectives.

A couple of hours later, everyone was exhausted...

Christmas Day brought us the Christmas train:

Conducted by this guy:

Assisted by Beanie:

Tickets taken by Grandpa/Peepah, who would take your ticket and then make you cough up money for a new one...

Cass's mom, Sanya, joined us! And Joe had picked up a little something special for her!\

It's a hat that says "Jesus is my boss". She said the ladies at the nun house were going to love it!
Peepah got suckered by Seanie Bear and gave him a gazillion marshmellows...

which Seanie put into his mouth all at once.
By this time next year, we'll have a couple of new babies at Christmas:

Gail and Joe's first-Baby Noodles--Superfly Noodles, by their account. And he's a boy baby!
Cass and Rich are having another girl baby!

Don't worry! That's not a real pipe!
Later that day, me and Pop joined Gail and Joe at the Feehan's for dinner and it was delicious. Two kinds of potatoes! My kind of dinner!
And Inez entertained us with some tricks!

So, bah humbug. Merry merry.
The library has no running water today, so all anyone can think about is going to the bathroom--as soon as someone tells you that you can't go, you gotta go...right?
1 comment:
I love Christmas and you work hard to make it nice...you're good at it- stop fighting it.
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