Since she is a baby, I'm supposed to forgive her when she eats my stuff. If I ever have a human baby, I'm not certain I will even forgive THEM for eating my stuff.
I like my stuff, that's why it is mine.
So far, Sophie has eaten:
My pink plaid sneaker-flats (yes, they
My brown floppy hat (only worn one time)
One green placemat in a set of four
The brown plastic things that keep a bed from sliding
Black flats (just a little chewed)
My red leather sneakers (yes, also adorable)
So she likes shoes, and hats, but she also likes Andy's dirty socks (straight off his feet -gross).

But look at that FACE! That FACE! how could you get angry with that sweet face?
You have just admitted to being outsmarted by two creatures without opposable thumbs. Who eat socks and shoes.
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