The sum-up:
I had a birthday party! It was a pool party at Gail's and everybody came! My friend Carlita was in town from LA and Burnsie and her beau came up from Jersey and it was super fun.

Then, we went to DISNEY! In Florida!
But I don't have any stinking pictures because my little camera broke and then I lent the card to Katie to make the picture CDs of everybody's pictures...
This weekend, Cass & Rich & Carter & Tristan came for a visit for Richie's 20 year HS reunion! They stayed at Gail's and everybody had a great time!

We had a tea party (of which I took very fuzzy pictures) and we watched a movie.
Carter to Joe: "Perfect timing, Joey! We haven't started the Dora movie yet!"
Joe to Carter: "Wow. Great." But Uncle Joe sat next to her and watched the whole thing!

T and Steph came with their parents and baby brother in tow for a playdate!

Paulie, getting more teeth!
I wanted to take the following pic on the steps, like going to the prom!

Grandpa pours the tea:

We toast:

Carter at the party:

Tristan at the tea party:

One of my faves:

And James is learning to drink:

which he's not really cranky about even though he looks it in this picture.
And in closing, I'll leave you with this:

Grandpa, with Tristan. Look at her hand--it is twisty-turny holding onto Grandpa's ties, which Grandpa said was a comment on her father's workwear---ba dum bum! He gets another zinger in...though we didn't hear about BabyRichie headbutting him in church for the whole weekend...
I love it!
Yeah - like Joe DIDN'T want to watch Dora.
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