My pops got a super nice presentation at the Village Board meeting ( a surprise!) for starting the Village Foundation and leading it in very important projects for the past two years, including a 9-11 memorial in the town park.
The mayor and the Town guy and others had some very nice things to say. Gail and I were there. Dad was really surprised. I think he still didn't understand, even when we were standing up there next to him! He had been really sick since Martin Luther King weekend, so he's just really starting to feel back to normal.

He did make a little speech off the top of his head.
Congrats to Melanie and Joe and their new house! We painted Aiden's room yesterday. I love to paint at other people's houses. My least favorite thing about painting is setting up and cleaning up. I love to paint in an empty house. No furniture, just easy breezy painting. And I got to wear my overalls and my butch skull and crossbones bandana:

So fun to get to hang out with Mel, get some indoor exercise and help them out. I went to bed at 10:00, an unheard-of feat for me. Painting is hard work for sure!
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