So, cupcakes are one of my favorite things in the whole world. We were talking about how the kids with the cool moms used to bring in cupcakes in a cone when it was their birthday at school. My friend Cat said she had never witnessed this phenomenon. So, of course, I made them for her birthday.
I have never made cupcakes in an ice cream cone. I assumed you just put the batter in the cone and baked it. On the box of rainbow funfetti cake mix I bought (bringing in the funfetti--I know) the directions said to put the cake batter into the muffin/cupcake paper cups and then put the cones on top.

So, I tried it both ways. Heh heh.
And, interestingly, the box did not tell me that the result of the ones placed on top would be:


It is like a hat...or a tumor. Terrible.
The ones that I poured the batter into standing up faired much better and were decorated beautifully with blue and green icing. I used my favorite icing tip, good ol' number 22.

The other thing is, you only fill the cones halfway, so instead of making 24 cupcakes, you can make a zillion cupcake cones! Or 24 cupcake cones and 8 regular cupcakes (which is what I did).
And since the birthday girl is fairly shy, I am submitting a picture of her super wonderful dog, Tara, who allowed me to take tons of photos of her (for the price of one pretzel):

Then, Sunday, I made some cupcakes for my friend Theresa's birthday. Theresa turned four years old, and loves pink. So, I made pink (vanilla) and brown (chocolate) cupcakes which were beautiful! I toot my own horn aplenty! And they totally tasted great, and I took a ton of pictures because I think all cupcakes are beautiful.

Up close:

Oh, yeah, and a Happy Birthday to my little Bones:

She's so old!
T-Bone is a perfect amalgamation of her parents - though I think she looks more Lynch-y than Greco-ie. I wish someone would make ME cupcakes.
I look upon this phenomenon so fondly --they were totally what the cool kids brought to school for class parties. I have always wondered what made them popular--were they featured on a cake mix box or something back then? I am going to assume so (based on your funfetti reference--the other keystone of a cool kid's party back in the day). ;-)
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