This was the line to get into the Chocolate World Expo:

With a title like CHOCOLATE WORLD EXPO, you'd expect it to be amazing, and well worth the giant line and hour long wait in the cold.
But sadly, for me and my bear, it wasn't that great.
There was a LOT of people and samples of very WEIRD chocolate combos, and angry people throwing elbows and tripping people. Gail wanted something brought home for her, so we bought a box of Samoas from some girl scouts, which was, at least, a surefire win.
We saw the lunar module:

which was cool, and Andy got in a tiny cockpit:

and then we got out of there. we did buy some Moon Doggy coffee (excellent), some kind of white chocolate cross bun (okay) and a waffle with rasberry dipped in dark chocolate (maybe too much taste for my mouth). Just a side note: this was not really deserving of the word "WORLD EXPO", it could have easily been the "LONG ISLAND" expo or the "TRI-STATE".
I didn't go to any garage sales this weekend (still have stuff to list from last weekend!), so this is what I will show for the linkup:

I found an Enesco collector's set of all different Demitasse cups, boxed up as a sort of an instant collection. They are very pretty, and just marked Japan, and looked like they had never been out of their boxes before today, when I took their picture. They'll be listed soon!
oh my those tea cups are lovely!
The Joyful Thrifter
The tea cups are great.
those cups! i want 'em! they would be such a fabulous gift (for me -- or for someone else if i wasn't so selfish).
and i would have pretty high expectations for chocolate world expo. bummer!
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