Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tuesday, January 24, 2012
One Whole Year
My nephew Quinn turned one last week! Here he is in the only picture that I took where you could see
1. his face
2. his shirt (sort of - a number one I made)
3. without a weird angle where his legs looked big and his body looked teeny.
So this is his birthday picture. He is so cute, and so happy. He will bump heads to nuzzle with you. And he has jokes with his Poppa (his grandpa) that make him laugh the biggest belly laughs in the universe! I'm happy you are here, sir, for you make the world a lot sweeter!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Only the greatest boy
in the whole world was born yesterday...Well, 36 years ago yesterday!
It was my bear's birthday, and we traveled down to North Carolina to see Andy's parents, my awesome in laws.
I love this man. He is the best. Happy Birthday, Andrew!
Sunday, January 08, 2012
Only slightly healthy
Andy made mashed sweet potatoes! Sweet potatoes are totally healthy and good for you, full of antioxidents and other awesome things! Go root veggies!
But then, he made a rue (although it didn't have flour in it, so it's not really a rue) of butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. And it was delicious. Like pie. Pie and sweet potatoes...I guess we should stick to roasting 'em.
Friday, January 06, 2012
Thursday, January 05, 2012
Not really a resolution
I guess I have to:
1. Eat less ice cream
2. Craft more, snack less
3. Walk the dog doubletime. Either twice as long or twice as fast.
That's it. That's all I've got. I hope it shaves off a little. We're gonna buy a house this year, and I can't afford new pants. Ugh.
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Mounted my rainbow!
I got a lot of cabachon beads for christmas! I love love LOVE 'em! While thinking about the different beautiful jewelry items I could make with them, I decided to mount most of them on a blank wooden disk (that I think is meant to be a clock face). I used glue dots, so I could always pull them off to use in other things. In the meantime (I always think of "meanwhile, at the bat cave...)I can look at my gaw-a-geous beady, flowery rainbow! Love love LOVE!
Monday, January 02, 2012
Happy New Year!
I've been trying to finish what I started last year! So far, I've wreathed and wrapped yarn around everything in sight! This is a little milk bottle that Andy brought me! I can't wait to get something tall to go in it! Now, off to rescue Gail from the little boy who wouldn't sleep! We're going with Papa to the bank and other adventures! Maybe she'll be able to take a nap! Happy New Year