I have been awfully sick and in a terrible way. But picture this: a few weeks ago, it was Easter! And we went to Gail's house! and there was ham! And it was delicious! And we took James outside and he mowed everything and then we went down to the schoolyard and he mowed everything else. And this is my favorite picture of that day!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Thursday, April 15, 2010
John and Bean and Loch and Seanie and Rich and Carter came up for Roly's suprise 40th birthday! (Happy Birthday, Rol!) Because they were here anyway, Gail and Joe threw a little 1st birthday for James - more on that later. James is having TWO first birthday parties...mostly because they have a tiny house. This weekend is Jamie's real birthday! But it was great to spend time with our little friends...even if I had the stomach typhoid and thought I was going to die on Thursday and Friday! Even if I played freeze tag and thought that was the end of me for sure! Even if I was so tired at the end of the day that the mind-numbing "Barbie and the Island Princess" wasn't the worst possible thing to watch. Even if I couldn't eat the cool baseball cupcakes.
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Gail and Joe and James offered to take me to the Central Park Zoo to see the puffins for my birthday! That was in August, and with my terrible summer schedule and their school starting...well, March is when our trip came to fruition.
Wednesday we took the train in to the city and went to the zoo! After many subway elevators that smelled delightfully of urine, we were strolling around the city with a curious baby.

We got there just in time to see the Sea Lions feeding, where they put on a little show.

James was not so interested in the sea lions, but he did like watching all of the big kids running around.

These are the tufted puffins, which look different than I thought they would. James has this stuffed Noah's arc that has tufted puffins and I thought they were crazy looking fake birds from some crackhead toy designer. Turns out I was wrong.

James liked the sheep in the petting zoo.

Joe liked the giant cow...or bull...I'm not sure - I didn't look!

At FAO Schwarz, James found a toy he liked

a little rubber ball! He didn't even look at the jungle of stuffed animals in the front! He crawled around chasing his rubber ball, looking at the outlets they have in the floor and checking out the wheels on his stroller. He wasn't really interested in the rest...
While we were running around checking out how crazy awesome everything is...

James fell asleep.
We made our way back to the LIRR, and James eventually woke up.

He pretty much entertained himself

by staring

at all the crazy people on the train.

And we had a great time! Thanks for my birthday trip, Gail and Joe and James! It was superfun!