Saturday, December 22, 2007
No one is coming to the library today, and by no one, I mean about twenty people in the past four hours.
I am thinking about:
The stools I have to varnish.
The scarf I have to knit.
The cake I have to make.
The gifts I have to wrap.
Maybe I just won't wrap the gifts...
Maybe they will just be unwrapped gifts.
On the other hand, painting these stools has made for many off-color jokes (as my sister's nephews would say "potty talk"). I have to check on my stools. I hope my stools aren't sticky. Should I be worried that my stools are green? This has been endless entertainment at home.
My sister bought giant decorations last year at Target. They look like the round ornaments you would put on the tree, just gigantic.
These are her Christmas balls. Do you think my balls should be in a cluster? I have re-hung my balls! How do my balls look? And believe it or not, she doesn't even do it on purpose...
On a sad note, I went entirely through Target last night, and filled a shopping cart. Then I left my cart at the end of an empty aisle so I could manuver through the over-populated CD section. And then. Someone TOOK MY CART. I almost cried. I would have to battle all over again. I was hungry. There were more people from before. I got the last one of a couple of items. Boo. Hiss. I said the words I never, ever thought I would utter about the greatest store in the world: "I hate this place." Yes, friends, for a moment, I hated what must be the most happy place in my heart--my special love, Target.
Merry Christmas
Friday, November 23, 2007
We went and hung out with Rich, Cass and Carter for T-giving!
Carter and I ran and ran and ran around kicking the leaves. Cass makes SUPERIOR stuffing.
Monday, November 19, 2007
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Where Candy corn comes from
It is born of the earth.
Gail and I were discussing how we still eat it color by color, trying to discern the contrasting flavors (if they exist).
Sunday, October 21, 2007
second place
So, Seanie gets Second place.
Second place?
Dude. Let me tell you. This picture is cute. There is no cuter picture on the face of the earth. Not now, not ever.
More eloquent? Maybe.
Sweeter? No way, Jose.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Scarf in Progress
Burnsie's scarf. Looks a little uneven, but that is, in fact, part of it's charm. Actually, it's handspun wool, which is thick and then thin and then thick again. Blech. I no likey. But I didn't pick it out, Burnsie did. So she'll have to live with it.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Knit -a-rific!
Well, kids, get your jealous hats on!
I have knit myself a purse! Could it be a knurse? Or a yurse (yarn purse)? I do not know what the name will be, but I do know that it's the cutest darn thing I ever did see.
and I made it.
Take your hats off now. They're making your head sweat.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Seanie and Loch
The top is Seanie, on his first time to Squam Lake. I watched him eat for half an hour, straight. When Bean started to pack up the food, Seanie started to pump his arms and say "Gar!" like a displeased pirate. He got one more cracker. Seanie's favorite thing was to eat--the cheese, the crackers, the lake bottom--it didn't much matter.
Below is Loch, at Squam Lake for the first time a couple of years ago. He was younger than Seanie at the time, so though he did enjoy playing in the water, he pretty much sat and then fell asleep.
One thing in common? Chubby arms.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Gummy in the spotlight
Shannon wants some pictures of orange things to put in her brand new room in her brand new apartment. So, I get to find things that are orange and take pictures of them. It's been super fun for me.
This may be a gummy orgy, but I perfer to think of them as performing modern dance.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
I heart Bacon!
my friends Michelle and Valerie gave me this gorgeous truth-telling tanktop. What could be better than to proclaim my love for all things Bacon?
Thursday, August 02, 2007
IMG_4560, originally uploaded by feathermar.
So, do you see that green bag slung so happily over my shoulder? It's the Baby Bag. Big enough to hold a baby. Big enough to hold anything and everything I have ever loved. I love the Baby Bag the way some ladies love their Manolo Blahniks or Coach Bags. It was stolen from the car I'm currently driving. I say "currently" because, well, my car is residing in Massachusetts as we find out whether this weekend's accident has totally totalled it. So, I borrowed my lovely (and generous) sister's car. And someone stole the baby bag. Gail (aforementioned lovely sister), Alicia (quite lovely also) and I (slightly intoxicated to deal with the tragedy) started looking in the dumpsters down the sketchy alleyway behind where I work, as well as climbing some fences that line the other side of the sketchy alleyway. Nancy Drew (a.k.a Gail), her friend George (a.k.a. Alicia) and Bess (my slightly intoxicated self) located the Baby Bag in a dumpster during the investigation. Not too worse for wear, sans wallet.
Did I mention that it's my birthday today?
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Sean turns one!
Funny hat- check
Balloon - check
Superfun? - no
Seanie falls asleep. Because Aunt Gail is boring...
I didn't get any great shots of Seanie, because he didn't want to be by himself (he was held the whole day-not a hardship for anyone there)
But everyone had a great time with that little shmooshface.
Cass and Rich and the Big Day
So, Cass and Rich got married!
And, it seemed to me, the day went off without a hitch!
It was beautiful weather, beautiful wedding, beautiful party!
...and I helped (cue little kid's smile).
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Orange Lily
My lilies have come UP! I'm so super excited, because I bought the bulbs at the supermarket a couple of years ago, and planted them about two months too late.
My planting skills are very "survival of the fittest" with planting planting planting--then no tending--then seeing what survives. You can grow your own way, my little Fleetwood lily.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Non-toxic doesn't mean squat.
So, I love to bake cupcakes because I love to eat cupcakes. On top of that, I have never ever used fondant before, and I'm pretty sure I pronounce it wrong when I say it aloud. But it sure is fun to make into polka dots. It's like edible modeling clay.
But "edible" doesn't mean you should eat a lot of it. Because you might get sick. Just like "non-toxic" markers shouldn't be licked. Even though you can lick 'em. You just shouldn't . It's not a good idea
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Covert pictures with Cheese
This is Gail, Carter and Lochlain.
Carter, obviously dressed for a covert operation, sits next to Gail.
Lochlain, on the top step, is making his cheese face, which is squishy and totally adorable.
This is Seanie, a little older. He's pretty smiley most of the time. Though here, I think his teeth are being quite a bother.