Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Giant James!

IMG_7162, originally uploaded by feathermar.

Here he is! The giant James! Still adorable! Still with the teen idol hair!

He can climb up on the couch himself and say my name. He is 17 months and very cool. And there's a new baby coming! I wonder what kind of big brother he will be. I think he'll be a great one!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Beanie's Birthday!

IMG_5587, originally uploaded by feathermar.

Happy Birthday, Beaniegirl! I hope you have a year of excellence down there in North Carolina! Good reports, good work days and fun weekends!

You still look like a teenager to me! Happy happy!

Thursday, September 02, 2010

In Which We Travel

IMG_6538, originally uploaded by feathermar.

Down in NC for Johnny's birthday (old man!), we had many stay-at-home adventures, which I will tell you about later. But one super fun thing was playing Just Dance on the Wii.

Well, actually it was fun to watch everybody play, because they are doing the same dance moves and it's like watching one of those spontaneous dance numbers in musicals, but it's real life and with people you know. And you haven't lived until you've seen my brothers dance to Kylie Minogue.