In Which We Coin a NEW PHRASE!
A photo montage dedicated to my brother John. Introducing:
The Photo Johntage!

I have a thing about piggy banks.
Well, to be honest, I have a thing about piggy banks and mugs and pitchers and tiny little odd one-offs and salt shakers without a pepper and shiny brooches and...well, I digress.
But this beauty is mine! Well, for a little while. I bought some piggy banks. They were so sad in the sun at a garage sale. But I saved her with her jaunty hat and her gold paint. She's a good girl. She saves her money! I can't walk past a face like that and not buy it. If she's not for me,she's for someone else. But I like her.
And...I bought another one while I was out. OH, piggy.
Cost: 12 bucks!
One awesome photo frame and everybody gets a picture! Montage to follow!
Happy Birthday to me...
without actually telling you about my birthday!
Because look at all of these AMAZING SPRAY PAINT colors! Yellow! Gray! Green! Pink! Two different Blues!
Andy got me a gift card so I could pick out all my own! You know I love to spray those altoid tins! Sweet Geez Louise. I couldn't wait to try out each and every one. Then I put button magnets in 'em to sell on my Etsy! Awesome.