Tuesday, May 18, 2010


heather 029, originally uploaded by feathermar.

it gets a little messy.
We do like to take pictures of ourselves when it's windy and Gail smooches the bebe. The hair starts blowing and...well, we still look good.

It's hard being soooo adorable.

Friday, May 07, 2010

In Which there is a Haircut

heather 011, originally uploaded by feathermar.

Gail cut the boy's hair, and I think it looks great...and I think he looks like a big boy. Crazy.

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Feather's New Toy

IMGj, originally uploaded by feathermar.

I recently acquired the Fuji Instax Instant Camera. I love love love it!
I want to take a gabillion pictures with it and wallpaper my life. If only the film wasn't a billion dollars.
On a side note, look at James William in his short pants. He's awesome.