The top is Seanie, on his first time to Squam Lake. I watched him eat for half an hour, straight. When Bean started to pack up the food, Seanie started to pump his arms and say "Gar!" like a displeased pirate. He got one more cracker. Seanie's favorite thing was to eat--the cheese, the crackers, the lake bottom--it didn't much matter.
Below is Loch, at Squam Lake for the first time a couple of years ago. He was younger than Seanie at the time, so though he did enjoy playing in the water, he pretty much sat and then fell asleep.
One thing in common? Chubby arms.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Seanie and Loch
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Gummy in the spotlight
Shannon wants some pictures of orange things to put in her brand new room in her brand new apartment. So, I get to find things that are orange and take pictures of them. It's been super fun for me.
This may be a gummy orgy, but I perfer to think of them as performing modern dance.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
I heart Bacon!
my friends Michelle and Valerie gave me this gorgeous truth-telling tanktop. What could be better than to proclaim my love for all things Bacon?
Thursday, August 02, 2007
IMG_4560, originally uploaded by feathermar.
So, do you see that green bag slung so happily over my shoulder? It's the Baby Bag. Big enough to hold a baby. Big enough to hold anything and everything I have ever loved. I love the Baby Bag the way some ladies love their Manolo Blahniks or Coach Bags. It was stolen from the car I'm currently driving. I say "currently" because, well, my car is residing in Massachusetts as we find out whether this weekend's accident has totally totalled it. So, I borrowed my lovely (and generous) sister's car. And someone stole the baby bag. Gail (aforementioned lovely sister), Alicia (quite lovely also) and I (slightly intoxicated to deal with the tragedy) started looking in the dumpsters down the sketchy alleyway behind where I work, as well as climbing some fences that line the other side of the sketchy alleyway. Nancy Drew (a.k.a Gail), her friend George (a.k.a. Alicia) and Bess (my slightly intoxicated self) located the Baby Bag in a dumpster during the investigation. Not too worse for wear, sans wallet.
Did I mention that it's my birthday today?